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iPhone - Final Cut Camera の手ぶれ補正をオンにしても動画がブレる

Final Cut Cameraの設定の中の手ぶれ補正をオンにしても、Final Cut Cameraで撮った動画がブレます。この程度でプロ向けって言って良いんですか?

* タイトルを変更しました。 Apple Inc.

iPhone 15 Pro

投稿日 2024/07/04 15:44

返信: 2

2024/07/16 15:45 Billychan1188 への返信

Final Cut Cameraの手ぶれ補正について、USコミュニティで意見を聞いてみました。 残念ながら、USモデレータによって元スレッドが消されてしまったため、私に返信された回答を掲載しておきますので、参考にしてみて下さい


Title: Is Final Cut Camera's image stabilization excellent? Ordinary?

There was a question on the Japanese site about Final Cut Camera's image stabilization.

Final Cut Camera の手ぶれ補正をオンにしても動画がブレる

I haven't been able to try it yet so I don't know. I would like to hear your personal impressions regarding image stabilization.


Q1: What are your thoughts on using image stabilization?

A: Excellent

B: Mediocre


Q2: A For those who answered excellent.

A-1: Level used by professionals

A-2: Not at the level used by professionals


Ian R. Brown 氏:

I'm sure you know the answers already. Stabilisation should only be used as a last resort when you have made a mess of your shooting.

I have not used the DIS in FCP for many years (maybe 10?) however when I did, it improved the stability but unfortunately zoomed into the image. The greater the correction, the greater the zoom.

I believe this is inevitable with both OIS and DIS unless someone can prove to the contrary.

As for whether you could describe it as excellent or mediocre, I am at a complete loss as how to define those 2 words. Everyone will have their own subjective interpretations so I would suggest you tell the original poster not to ask daft questions and simply use it if they must . . . it's never going to look like a tripod shot.


Tom Wolsky氏:

I think the OP is talking about Final Cut Camera in camera stabilization. I tried the app, but don't really like it. The controls are too simplistic and limited compared to BM Camera or Filimic. Only really good if you're doing FC iPad multicam.


2024/07/12 14:57 Billychan1188 への返信

手ぶれ補正をオンにしても、Final Cut Cameraで撮った動画がブレます





iPhone - Final Cut Camera の手ぶれ補正をオンにしても動画がブレる

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